Saturday, December 21, 2013

Goings Ons on the Property

At times, when working on a farm/property, things just don't make sense and you simply have to walk away and accept it. Today the chainsaw wouldn't start... no matter what. For forty minutes I tried getting it to roar to life, only to hear a muffled cry emit from the chainsaw engine, followed by an abrupt stop. Around 30 cattle were circling me, smelling the chainsaw, ute, and my own body odor. They are so curious. Unfortunately I just couldn't get it started and had to drive off. Very frustrating. 

On a positive note, after leaving the chainsaw behind, I was checking a muddy dam which should be dry in another week. A sheep had gotten stuck in the mud. Luckily I was able to pull it out. If I'd been cutting Mulga trees it probably would not have lived.

 It was a strong sheep that tried to swim away from me in the mud. They really are specimens. Always trying to do what is worst for themselves. Luckily the sheep got up as soon as it was out of the dam and ran away. A running sheep is always a good sign of health. 

Yesterday my brother discovered a cow that wouldn't stand up. Today my Dad and I checked her out. She was looking healthy and seemed to be doing well. But then she died.... Doesn't really add up. After that, we lit a fire and burned the carcass to make sure flies don't breed and spread disease among other livestock. The heat of the flames in this arid heat is incredible. 

Like I have mentioned in previous posts, the Sun in western QLD is intense. It bakes the ground, the wind roars along with heat. It just never lets up. Ironically, as soon as night comes, it cools down and you would never guess just how hot it can get during the day time. More of that same blinding Sun to follow tomorrow! 


  1. Recently, I have been busy learning my English, so I have no time to visit your blog.
    Imaging your farm, it would be very interesting. So many cattle, they still know you?
    It's long time to see you, they only smell your body odor to recognize you.:)
    Last week, Tyler asked me: What feeling if I go back to Chongming? I said, if I go back to Chongming, I will forget all of city elements, even I will throw away my phone.
    Every time when I am walking on my home road, my dog is always ecstatic. An indeterminate content arises spontaneously.
    Talk with them, they will put you into their hearts.

    1. That's so cool to know you also have that feeling of throwing away the phone. I don't contact anyone when I am at home. I keep away from everyone and everything. It's so good for the mind. City life. I am doing it now, maybe in the future I won't be. Like you say, talking with animals is like a type of relaxation. And they can be great to be around. You know it's even a medicine in some places. Especially for people who are sick or depressed.

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